Audio Research Reference 6 Preamp Review

lalitk, me too!  The craftsmanship and precision that when into the 'new' design is only fully appreciated in person. 
jafant, I came from a Ref 5 SE and was able to compare both side by side. The 5 SE is a wonderful preamp and loved it dearly. Comparing the two, I could not go back after listening to the 6.  

By comparison the the 6 is faster yet sweeter sounding while adding detail. The bass especially is more defined while sounding fuller at the same time. Soundstage is wider, but probably the biggest change is the depth of soundstage. The great depth the ref 6 offers leads to some stunning layering and very precise imaging all adding up to more holistic you are there feeling. 

I did not read the review - audio is so subjective and in the end personal never mind depending on what other pces your have paired up so below are only my thoughts.

I owned the 5se and had the chance to demo the 6 THINKING that it will likely only offer minor improvements - but brand new out of the box I could already clearly hear positive SQ differences. I had a Anniversary also in my system which I could have gotten at a very attractive price - very nice but in the end I preferred the 6 never mind taking up less real estate.

I also had a 10 which I did prefer over the Anniversary but upon listening to the 6 I found the later to offer more similarities SQ wise than differences - hence my decision to purchase the 6 and use that extra coin for music.

I also prefer the 6 over my highly regarded Vac pre's (Sig & Master) too which shocked me, both costing substantially more.  

As long as you are listening to music that's all that matters - there will always be something around the corner that offers something different.

dev, thank you for your candid feedback. I am looking for a opportunity to audition LS28 and Ref 6.  

Initial reports do indicate trickel down technology in foundation series from reference line.