Miyajima Zero hum?

Anyone get a hum when using this mono cartridge through a stereo preamp? Some years back there was a thread about hum with the Miyajima Premium mono (https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/ground-loop-with-miyajima-premium-mono?highlight=miyajima%20m...). At the time, the distributor's recommended fix was to connect only one of the cartridge's channel outputs, and then use a mono switch on the preamp (if it had one) to get sound from both channels. Either that or get a y-connector. I thought these unattractive solutions.

Now, I'm thinking about picking up a Zero, but I'm wondering whether it's subject to the same hum issues. If so, it would be a deal-breaker for me, as I have no mono switch and don't want to use a y-connector or mono SUT.

Unfortunately I think you may be out of luck. I have the Zero and exactly the same hum problem. Engaging the mono switch on my preamp while connecting both channels clears up the problem completely. The other fixes suggested such as using a single channel and a y-adaptor do not work, I even went so far as to only connect one channel back at the pins as recommended by my tonearm maker but this had no effect

I wonder if you could not make up a simple cable which adds the two channels together and gives you the effect of a mono switch? If your tonearm uses a detachable interconnect you could make one up (or have one made) and get the effect of a mono switch at the front end? A simple test of this would be to make up one using a male y-connector plugged into a female y-connector to check it works before springing for an expensive cable? I see Mike Lavigne suggested the same in the prior thread and I am sure this will work and is likely the optimal solution if you use a premium cable

I will observe that the hum, at least in my setup, is annoying between tracks but is not something I notice too much when music is playing but it definitely seems better to not have it at all
Folkfreak, thanks so much for the detailed response. That is too bad. I think I'll have to pass on this otherwise excellent unit.
The prior thread suggested that the hum was preamp dependent so if you can get a miyajima on loan to try it out you could see if the hum arose in your setup. Hate for you to miss out on this cartridge. It smoked the Lyra that I was using before 
I match my Miyajima Zero with a SME V tonearm and Cary Audio phono amp, and it's dead quiet. I have had low hum problems, but either changed out the cable or phono amp. I have used a PS Audio phono amp with great success as well.