To make some terms more clear, and take them out of vendor-speak we are talking about the differences between Asynchronous USB (A-USB) and Asynchronous Sample Rate Conversion (ASRC). Usually vendors will call ASRC something like upsampling and re-clocking or something like that. The Wyred4Sound Remedy Recklocker is an example, but many DAC's have this feature built in.
Both help to reduce jitter but the similarities in how they work and how well they may work in any given circumstance are not the same. Jitter from an A-USB source is often as low as the DAC that is pulling the data, and is bit-perfect. That is, the DAC receives exactly the bits in the source file, and the output signal is evidence of the very best the DAC can do. There's very little to do to make a no-compromise solution with this interface.
As you are expecting, ASRC will also improve bad sources, reducing measured jitter somewhat but at a certain point, based on it's implementation, it has to give up. This can be improved upon by bigger input buffers, but it usually does not yield the same level of improvement, especially with things like internet radio, iTunes, Chromecast, etc. The worse the input signal (i.e. more jittery) the worse the output signal. By contrast, A-USB can tolerate a lot of lag in the input before ANY of it becomes measurable. Further, ASRC is not bit-perfect. The entire output signal is a mathematical reconstruction of the input. For fun reading on this look up some of the writing around the closed-form digital filters used by Schiit. Of course, they are all pro-Schiit, but they offer a great education in how ASRC is accomplished, and what kind of compromises are made. In general, ASRC prefers time precision to bit-perfection. It will sacrifice the data to meet it's time goal, as much as it can.
Of course, the devil is in the details, and anyone can make a crappy version of any technology. You can also chain one after the other, yielding very good results at times.
A better option, in my mind, is the latter Bryston DAC's with built in USB 2.0 A-USB support AND upsampling. Given the option for just 1, I'd take A-USB any day of the week.
Both help to reduce jitter but the similarities in how they work and how well they may work in any given circumstance are not the same. Jitter from an A-USB source is often as low as the DAC that is pulling the data, and is bit-perfect. That is, the DAC receives exactly the bits in the source file, and the output signal is evidence of the very best the DAC can do. There's very little to do to make a no-compromise solution with this interface.
As you are expecting, ASRC will also improve bad sources, reducing measured jitter somewhat but at a certain point, based on it's implementation, it has to give up. This can be improved upon by bigger input buffers, but it usually does not yield the same level of improvement, especially with things like internet radio, iTunes, Chromecast, etc. The worse the input signal (i.e. more jittery) the worse the output signal. By contrast, A-USB can tolerate a lot of lag in the input before ANY of it becomes measurable. Further, ASRC is not bit-perfect. The entire output signal is a mathematical reconstruction of the input. For fun reading on this look up some of the writing around the closed-form digital filters used by Schiit. Of course, they are all pro-Schiit, but they offer a great education in how ASRC is accomplished, and what kind of compromises are made. In general, ASRC prefers time precision to bit-perfection. It will sacrifice the data to meet it's time goal, as much as it can.
Of course, the devil is in the details, and anyone can make a crappy version of any technology. You can also chain one after the other, yielding very good results at times.
A better option, in my mind, is the latter Bryston DAC's with built in USB 2.0 A-USB support AND upsampling. Given the option for just 1, I'd take A-USB any day of the week.