I have a couple of sliding bias class A amps, a Threshold 400a and a Bedini BA-803. They were used to power a pair of Acoustat 2+2. The Threshold 400a sounded good but was a little light on the bass. The Bedini BA-803 sounded a little better and the Acoustats had stronger bass response using it. The Bedini has 200w/ch vs 100 w/ch from the Threshold.
I do have a pure class A amp that is currently out for repairs, a Bedini 100/100 1 meg. It sounded the most natural and had amazing bass output with the Acoustats and other speakers. It is also a fast amplifier and uses positive feedback. It is 100w/ch but sounds more powerful than the other two. It did run hot though.
For the summer time for general use I run a Jeff Rowland model 5 class A/AB amp. It runs cool and can handle the Acoustats well. It has a detailed yet laid back sound. Bass is there but not as deep.
Tube amps can also sound very nice with electrostatic speakers as I have a pair of Ray Lumley M100 tube mono blocks using KT-120 tubes. Again a full, natural sound with strong bass but not as deep or controlled. Soundstaging is the best with the tube amps, wide and deep with instruments in their proper locations (imaging). The tube amps are push/pull class A/AB.
So which is best? Like has been said, it all depends on what you are looking for. Overall for me it is a toss up between my Bedini 100/100 1 meg class A amp and my Ray Lumley M100 tube mono blocks.