Cayin A 300B

Anyone experienced the Cayin A 300B amplifier?
It's a beautiful SET using the 300B tubes and I'd like to have some opinions about this amp. 
I believe the same, Coolhunter, no need to reinvent the wheel. Cayin products prove that a classic approach works great if you put a lot of care and the best parts together. I'm very happy with the quality of my small Cayin and the sound is also great. But I do prefer single ended to a push-pull. I will happily move to another Cayin amp (the 300B) if it stands up against the Line Magnetic SETs. 
I have owned the Cayin A50T & while they are fine products IMO the Yaqin MS-300C is every bit as good an amp,almost identical build/parts quality & less $...
I'd be interested to hear what rrfrerichs1950 thinks of the 688R, and what tubes he uses in it. The ultimate tube integrated - with a tone control no less.
I'd like to revive this thread,
Cayin is THE AMP to  own. 
Why? Built like tanks, price afforadble to most
Musicality as good/better than Jadis.
IMHO, cayin  is the best deal going. 
I know some here hate propaganda/pumping/cheer leading,,but when its the truth,,,why fight it.???
 We need testimonies of the Cayin 845.
I think in the years to come if jadis does not change its game plan, cayin will be the leader in super duper high fidelity tube amplification,,and Jadis will never catch them. 
Jadis will be nothing more than a  memory.
Jadis should have stayed with intergrated ONLY, and not these 100 lb mono blocks at a  price that only Rothchild can afford. 
Jadis is like BMW, as soon as you drivea  BMW off the lot, you just took a  25%+ hit on resale value. 
A new Jadis, next day after purchase is worth 30% less.
Jadis are you listening.?
I'd takea  cayin over a  Jadis , both at same price, any/every day of the week.
Lets hear about the 845's.