337 posts
07-24-2016 12:11pm
"The pictures on your wall are vibrating in response and sympathy to your room's 3 primary resonate frequencies being excited or over pressurized
Every room has 3 primary resonate frequencies based on the room's physical dimensions between the parallel walls for it's height .. width and length....etc., etc.,"
the vibration theory of the pictures can be easily dispensed with by performing the experiment of removing the pictures from the room fir a headphone based system, you know, one that won't excite the pictures to vibrate. The other way to test the effects of pictures in the room is tape photos of the pictures to the wall. That way you can eliminate the pictures vibrating theory.
337 posts
07-24-2016 12:11pm
"The pictures on your wall are vibrating in response and sympathy to your room's 3 primary resonate frequencies being excited or over pressurized
Every room has 3 primary resonate frequencies based on the room's physical dimensions between the parallel walls for it's height .. width and length....etc., etc.,"
the vibration theory of the pictures can be easily dispensed with by performing the experiment of removing the pictures from the room fir a headphone based system, you know, one that won't excite the pictures to vibrate. The other way to test the effects of pictures in the room is tape photos of the pictures to the wall. That way you can eliminate the pictures vibrating theory.