The Maggie .7 is about 4 1/2 feet tall, 15" wide and maybe six inches deep (stand depth). The smaller MMG is about 6" shorter. The former’s bass extension gets down into the 45 hz region, the latter is more like 50hz. The .7 was $1400 and the MMG $600 last I looked. Both are excellent value IMO (particularly the MMG, which is why I own a pair.)
The Maggie .7 is about 4 1/2 feet tall, 15" wide and maybe six inches deep (stand depth). The smaller MMG is about 6" shorter. The former’s bass extension gets down into the 45 hz region, the latter is more like 50hz. The .7 was $1400 and the MMG $600 last I looked. Both are excellent value IMO (particularly the MMG, which is why I own a pair.)