Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.

charles1 dad:

A fun tweak- experiment I have been trying since yesterday is putting a Synergistic Research HFT (High Frequency Transducer)  on top of the rectifier tube in my  300SET amp. The change in the sound is not subtle and I think for the better. The amp has already been upgraded sonically with placing SR- ECT's (Electronic Circuit Transducers)  on the chasis.

nmmusician - first posted this HFT tweak. I think it is a good one to try.

David Pritchard

Sorry to hear about the persistent failure of Elrogs in your Franks.  Mine are still doing OK, but I am probably only getting 2-3 listening sessions in a typical month.  If the heat doesn't break soon, the listening may increase as the hiking decreases.  I do wonder if my use of the PS 10, using115 V and soft start up, will lead to acceptable service with the Elrogs.   However, if (when) they fail, I intend to go to the XLS tubes.  We have all been quite patient with Elrog, but the premature failure rate has been unacceptable. 
Hello Bill, 
It's surly conceivable that your PS Audio 10 could provide a definite positive effect. I gave it my best shot but with the 3rd failure I recognize that enough is enough. Your fate may be different from mine. 
Good Luck, 
 If you ever consider a back up pair 300bs  the XLS is a very good option.  George Lenz told me that some  older pairs of these tubes are approaching 40,000 hours of use per some of his long term customers.
I can believe that,  this is a very stout output power tube.
I know of 2 systems that run Audio Note with Takatsuki with good results. One has 2 tubes per channel, 4 total, for about two years and had Western Electric prior to Takatsuki. The other system has 2 tubes for over a year. I don't remember AN's models, but can dig up the info if needed. I have both Coincident Frankenstein MK2 and Border Patrol amps, both are great with Takatsuki.