Considering buying a CD transport

My current disc spinner is a Cambridge Audio 751BD which I'm now mostly (except for SACDs) using as a transport, as I vastly prefer the sound of my Bryston BDA1 DAC to what comes through the CA. Even through the Bryston DAC, CDs can sound shrill. The CA works extremely well for DVDs, Blu-ray discs and SACDs, but I don't think I'm enjoying my rather extensive CD collection as I should. Would a separate transport make enough difference to be worth considering? I've been reading reviews of the Cyrus CDt which are tempting, but I'd like to hear some real-world opinions first. Unfortunately, there are budgetary constraints, so I would like not to exceed about $2K.

The rest of the system: Hegel H200 integrated, Proac Response D2s, REL S2 sub, Clarus Aqua analog interconnects & speaker cables, Nordost coax.
That promised review of the Wyred4Sound reclocker is now posted in the Member Reviews section. It's been up for a while now, and it does contain a bit of misinformation (sorry!) that I acknowledge in the subsequent discussion, but as it stands, this little gadget has, for now, put my search for a new transport on the back burner.
I have a RAM-modded, True Sound maintained  CEC TL-1x in perfect operating condition with remote I intend to put up for sale, with Kharma Grand Ref digicable included. Contact me off-line if interested.
