Obscure bands

Does anyone know a band called City Boy? (70's/80's)Very obscure and very original. It's beyond Me how such great talent goes so unnoticed! Also please chime in on other obscure talented musicians.


801 is a good choice (provided they're obscure enough), but they did release several live albums in addition to their sole studio release.  I'd assume that "801 Live" (their first release) is their best known recording, but the studio record is very interesting, too.  The other live records were released much later and IIRC aren't great tho they have their moments, too. Full disclosure: I haven't listened to any of them in ages.
I don't think I mentioned these guys - Lucifer"s Friend ( John Lawton) an outstanding vocalist!
As far as I know they were pretty obscure, maybe a cult following at the most.
Does anyone remember them?😎
Lucifer's Friend was formed in 1970. They did a couple of albums with another vocalist in the eighties but supposedly they are still active today with Lawton.
Not sure of the date but Lawton released a live album, I believe in the nineties that was excellent!😎

Just remembered - Furslide - a great alt band from the late 90's.  AFAIK, they only had one album, and it is one of my favorites.