What happened to Berkeley Audio Design

Just wondering if this company has ceased to exist as an engineering firm? 

They don't really seem to have released any new products (the Reference isn't one IMHO) in 4 years, with little news, announcements, trickle down or added features, and a quick search on LinkedIn did not find them. 

Does anyone have an inside scoop?


That's actually not a bad idea if I can get their street address. :) I meant that Berkeley, CA was a neighboring town, well across the bay, not that they are literally next door. 

Look, let's say these are all accusations and I have it "in" for BAD.  This is something easily defused/disarmed by information.  I really was hoping some one would say "yes, they're in the middle of some very cool product development you'll see at...." or something like that. New product introductions would of course eliminate any "accusations." which they aren't. 

Like, very cool from BAD might be a six-channel USB DAC or streamer or BADA junior for under $500. 


Erik!  It might be worth your time and trouble to look up that address and take a drive.  Berkeley may be encouraged to retain your services as a consultant once they hear your ideas personally.
They might appreciate your input on new products;;did you give them the idea for the Alpha Dac, Reference 2 ?
I'm sure the folks at BAD are smarter than I am and perfectly aware of the market.

I have tried looking their office up, no dice.  Mind you, I don't really care if BAD is in fact a virtual company, this is the 21st Century after all and I may do just that sometime soon. BAD can stand on their products and reputation. 

By the way, I'm pretty surprised this thread hasn't blown up with input on new products, new directions, designers who work at BAD, dealer input, etc.

Honestly I thought there was a 90% chance the problem was I was completely disconnected (often true) and I was missing a lot of new information.  Perhaps all those with knowledge of this subject are busy at the convention or glued to CNN right now.

Of course, it's only been a couple of days since I posted, I should still be hopeful that new info will be unearthed speaking of BAD's dynamic present and future.  My posting, and the lack of data in this forum is no evidence really of anything at all. 

I do apologize for any BAD fans who may have felt I was attacking BAD, but I can't prove intention.  As I wrote before, data washes any such perceived accusations away like a tsunami.


erik_squires "I have tried looking their office up, no dice."

The company phone number is on its website.
(510) 277-0512
Why don't you just call them?