Anyone have any of the Advent brand chrome cassettes? I'm not talking about the blank ones, Advent has a series of classical and jazz records out on cassette and they were excellent.
I also loved their 'pain the neck' to operate but bullet proof cassette decks, the ones with the commercial 3m transports (201 & 201A).
I have several and they still sound excellent, though my likewise ancient Nak dual tracer is a bit sweeter.
I did find a source for new chrome cassettes a few years back. It's the BASF formula and very good. I can look it up if anyone is interested.
I also loved their 'pain the neck' to operate but bullet proof cassette decks, the ones with the commercial 3m transports (201 & 201A).
I have several and they still sound excellent, though my likewise ancient Nak dual tracer is a bit sweeter.
I did find a source for new chrome cassettes a few years back. It's the BASF formula and very good. I can look it up if anyone is interested.