Ice Amp 125ASX2

Are amps with this module comparable to the better class AB amps? The Tripath amps tended to be weak with bass and highs were a bit rolled I guess I'm wondering if the ICE Amps have solved the problems inherent to Class D? Thanks   
1. I was just going to buy a module and put it in a pretty box...which is a few hundred dollar project. 
2. Stereo mode should be plenty of power for my application
3. Silverline Prelude plus
4. Room is a good sized master bedroom. 
seanheis 1,

     geared4me has a good point about knowing your budget range,so please answer this 5th question,too..


5. I'm not sure there really is a budget. The Ice module costs about $200 and then I would need to buy a case and connectors. The total cost would be about $300. Thanks 
I have not heard all of them but the ICEPower 250ASP are very good. Very neutral with good dynamics.  May be too boring for some audiophiles.  They dont add anything or take it away.  If you are looking for an amp to color your sound the ICEPower modules are not it.

I can also recommend Ghentoo cases and kits.


im no historian, but the icepower modules went through a couple of generations.  Make sure to get the latest.
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