You can only take 5 albums to a deserted Island...

But there is a world class system there for your use.  Leaving many favorites behind but I must have:

Yes - Close to the Edge
Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet
Robin Trower - Bridge of Sighs
Neil Young - Everybody Knows this is Nowhere
John Lee Hooker - Mr. Lucky

Excuse me if this is known by everyone, but A bit of social history about "Desert Island Discs". I do'nt know about similar programmes around the world, but the original "D I D", was a BBC creation, I believe in the 1930's and it has run, more or less continuosly on BBC Radio 4, or the Home Service as it was back in the day, since then. In fact, I believe it is the longest running radio show in the world. The mention of 5 discs, suggest you may have a US version, but the original, I assure you, is from the Beeb and allowed 8 discs.

 Devised and presented for decades by Roy Plomley, it was a brilliantly simple idea. Interview a new celebrity weekly, Politician, Film Star, Poet, Sports Star etc, very gently, about their lives and play excerpts from each disc. There were always questions about how they'd cope with loneliness, how practical they were, would they try to escape etc. At the end, they are allowed a book, always getting the Bible and Shakespeare as well and a Luxury item, so not a tent, box of matches etc.

 Apologies again if this is all old news to you, but as no one has mentioned it, I thought it might be news to some of you.

David12, Thank you for sharing! This game had been played zillion times but the initial intent you described here had been, unfortunately, "lost in translation"! The game, in my humble opinion, is about learning something about the person (this point is moot in such anonymous places) or about discovering new music from similar-minded dudes. Thats what I attempted to do in my previous post: absolutely EVERYONE who ever bought Miles Davis albums had the same comment about me playing Khmer album: Wow, something useful can be learned from you, Euros guys! (well, sometimes in less offensive language). Now, thanks to Pops I am getting Robin Trower 5-CD collection (Thank You, Pops!!) and will be waiting for more insights from PF, Porcupine Tree, Marillion and VDGG listeners... ;-)
To update my prev post, I do not see myself living and not ever hearing again:
1) 1st Piano Concerto with Van Cliburn
2) Bruch's or Mendelssohn's Violin concertos
3) 9th (come on, if just to remember Clockwork Orange! But Beethoven is on constant rotation when I'm driving!)
4) Penguin Cafe Orchestra - you don't even have to visit the country of my dreams, just listen and u r there! Joe Dassen and Aznavour do the trick, but the language barrier spoils the mood.
5) David Sylvian for all us PorcupineTree/Wilson fans
6) Elizium by Fields of Nephilim (later just Nefilim) is a Must for PF crazies
7) As I Hide by Witchcraft (their one and only gem, PF fans failed to notice them and they disappeared...)
8) Marillion w/Fish and Fish solo efforts, but not later Marillion for those who dig Genesis.
Now I am going even beyond 8-album limit, but its a good question if I ever want to live w/o ever hearing Duke or Selling England by the Pound!?!
Well, as I said before, getting together on this island will give me a chance to listen to music I totally misunderstand: Justin Bieber, Bob Dylan, ... It will be fun!  Right now (for the last few years, actually) I am trying to get into Mahler, but so far keep downgrading to Stravinsky ;-( when in doubt I go thru my Bible: Leonard Bernstein's "The infinite variety of music" and try again! Unless we all get to the Island, these same efforts for the sake of Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber is too much for me!

Hi Marty,

Darn!  I love Richard Thompson.

Another luthier who has an incredible sensibility about him is Jeff Senn. I spend way too much time on for my own good, but as an audio manufacturer, it’s nice to clear the palate.

Apart from an almost 100% correlation between electric guitar design and turntables (only a few years ago, did I realize how tight this correlation is), I find many parallels among electronics designers in both pursuits (hi-fi and musical amplification).

All too many designers have incredible technical proficiency, but exhibit a lack of understanding of what makes music a magical experience. That’s for another thread ...

This desert island disc thread is a fun one, and I didn’t mean to derail it, so let me post this for everyone’s consideration ...

What 5 pieces of music can you discover something new in it every time you listen to it? Obviously enjoyment comes into play when you’re narrowing down the list, but if you’re captive on an island with 5 "fun" discs that you can’t grow with, you’ll likely want to kill yourself if forced to listen to them over and over and over again.

Thom @ Galibier Design


Funny thing about Teles (and the variants thereon)...

I own several really outstanding boutique variations, but I end up playing my good old, modestly priced Fender American Standard (tho it’s been modded with Barden pups) more than any of em. If anyone can top the original tho, Jason might be the guy.

Jason’s take on the LP is IMO downright fantastic and his quirkier designs - including a variation of the Turner Model 1 - are pretty tempting. He’s an outstanding luthier for sure.

The other "go-to" in my electric collection is a Henman-Bevilacqua that combines a bolt-on neck and long scale with humbuckers to make a cool Gibson/Fender hybrid (definitely more Gibson flavored, tho).

if we get another couple of axes on our Island, the Fender and the H-B are coming along, for sure.

To Thom’s notion of hearing somethin new with repeated listening -
my picks both go there aggressively and don’t.

I was definitely thinking along those lines for my choices. The four guitarists I chose to bring along (Richard Thompson, Lindsey Buckingham, David Hidalgo, and Dave Edmunds) represent four very different aesthetics in their approach to the instrument. Because they all "look back" in different directions and also "point forward" in different directions, this group allows for great variety in contemplating why they’re doing what they’re doing - my version of Thom’s point.

OTOH, I’ve listened to these guys for so long that I’m sure I’ve covered a lot of what’s in there. (Not all, but a lot of it.) To really do what Thom suggests, you’d almost need to bring along great music that you haven’t spent a ton of time with. Great idea, but a Tricky task to actually pull off, IMO.

BTW, my last choice was great songs sung beautifully. For those rare moments when guitars aren’t the point.