there are four descent ways:
1. The best one is not to biamp at all and use single amplifier of sufficient power or monoblocks.
2. Active speakers are usually bi-amplified or can accommodate an external amplifier along with built-in, because they have ELECTRONIC CROSSOVER
3. Replacing built-in crossover with electronic and use same or different amps
4. Mating amps of the same brand with existing passive built-in crossover.
1. The best one is not to biamp at all and use single amplifier of sufficient power or monoblocks.
2. Active speakers are usually bi-amplified or can accommodate an external amplifier along with built-in, because they have ELECTRONIC CROSSOVER
3. Replacing built-in crossover with electronic and use same or different amps
4. Mating amps of the same brand with existing passive built-in crossover.