Hi Frank,
Just out of pure curiosity what is the metallurgy of your Von Gaylord cables and are they shielded? I’ll acknowledge that many factors determine the final sound character of audio cables. We share very similar priorities I’ve come to discover from reading your posts over the past months. As you commented and I agree, for me it all begins with the demand for natural tone as the crucial necessity. Other important sonic factors follow once this mandatory criteria has been satisfied.
I use the Ocellia Silver Reference cables (unshielded and with a paper dielectric)as they have fulfilled this role admirably. No question however that there are numerous excellent audio cables to choose amongst. I imagine that your Von Gaylord cables are wonderful.
Just out of pure curiosity what is the metallurgy of your Von Gaylord cables and are they shielded? I’ll acknowledge that many factors determine the final sound character of audio cables. We share very similar priorities I’ve come to discover from reading your posts over the past months. As you commented and I agree, for me it all begins with the demand for natural tone as the crucial necessity. Other important sonic factors follow once this mandatory criteria has been satisfied.
I use the Ocellia Silver Reference cables (unshielded and with a paper dielectric)as they have fulfilled this role admirably. No question however that there are numerous excellent audio cables to choose amongst. I imagine that your Von Gaylord cables are wonderful.