image on tv goes green

I have a large Samsung DLP that has started to ocassionally flash to black outlines on a bright green screen. It looks almost like a solarized photograph. This occurs independent of source - both on DVD/blue-ray and on satellite TV.

This might occur once in five or ten hours and might last 5 to 20 seconds.

Any tech types out there have a guess as to what's going on here.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks all.
In the end, Noble had the best idea - google "Samsung DLP problem green screen".

Turns out that this appears to be a design defect - well documented via dozens of customer postings. It appears that my set is doomed to die a "green death". See the thread called "Mitsubishi Laser Vue vs Flat Screen" for my follow up question.

Again, thanks to all of you guys for taking the time to help.

Noble100 & Mceljo: Ya… Comcast’s answer sounded pretty lame to me too… buy an expensive HDMI cable… pay Comcast $5.00 more a month to get an HD Box… and for your added viewing pleasure Comcast will turn your screen bright green to prompt your wife to once again blame you for complicating her life when she has to turn it off and turn it back on… turn it off and turn it back on… turn it off and turn it back on… turn it off and turn it back on…
Raks.......tell your wife to give that tv a good smack. It gets rid of the green for a while and takes the focus off you.

Or she could keep doing the usual: smack you so you can smack the tv. But ask her to just use her hand instead of that huge frying pan.
That's a pretty bad track record for Samsung. I have, and like my Samsung LCD but had to have the capacitors on the power board replaced. Another design flaw that should have never made its way to production. 10 volt caps on a 12 volt power rail and nobody noticed.