Recommnedations for moderately price balanced IC's, and adaptors to an RCA end

The title of  the thread may be a bit unclear. However, I need recommendations for a "moderately" price balanced interconnects.  Also, are there quality adaptors to convert a balanced end into an RCA input or output without major signal loss??

I want to use my Rogue Sphinx hybrid integrated as a pre-amp because it has a variable output (pre-out) for an second amplifier, and connect it to a Balanced Audio Technology VK-200 amp that will  only accept balanced. IC's  

The Rogue integrated has all RCA input and outputs .Therefore, I also need a recommendation for two XLR to RCA adapters.   Eventually, I will buy a separate pre-amp, possibly the new Rogue RP-1.  

Thank you  


Thanks again to Almarg and others who have responded with very good  and plentiful advice


To Mensch, your last response makes good sense because I don't want to jump too fast  buying  a suitable and quality fully balanced or partly balanced pre-amp to accommodate BAT VK-200 amp. 

As I mentioned before, I DON'T WANT to necessarily buy an outboard  phono stage and headphone amp or box . That is two more cables and also more potential headaches .I realize that a separate phono stage like the Musical Surrounding Phonophemon II  is an excellent  choice because I owned one  about 4 years ago. However, 75% of  my listening is by CD, and the rest LP's. I could easily live with a Project RPM-3 table packaged with a Sumiko Blue Point 2 cartridge

The easiest solution might be to buy the new Rogue RP-1 pre-amp reviewed by Stereophile   in the August 2016 issue . It has a MM/MC phone stage, an improved and higher gain headphone amp and a better remote with some additional features.  I am sure other reviews will follow.

However, as I noted before, the Rogue RP-1 uses only RCA connectors. Nevertheless,  it should provide a almost major step up in sound quality from the pre-amp stage of the Sphinx v.1. (I hope)  

The question is ( and maybe I missed something that Almarg noted  before)

 1) do XLR to XLR  IC's  "insignificantly" reduce RF noise carried by RCA cables. resulting in blacker grounds and improved clarity and transparency??  2) As Mensch noted, he acquired a "pair" of XLR to RCA interconnects through for less than $20.00 Several other members offered other brand name XLR cables or a combination of balanced to unbalanced IC's,

Almarg clarified about the  potential loss of volume employing an XLR to RCA cable as offered by Mogami, and others  However,I did not mention to Al,  I operate the volume in the range between 12 o'clock  to 2 o'clock.which may be greater than "upper 25% " of its range" as noted

. If  MY volume setting IS NOT as Almarg commented.  IN THE 25% UPPER RANGE.  then it is not a significant issue. I do play it loud, but not head banger loud.  Also,  the potentiometer of Sphinx seems to gain well at about 12 o'clock high, but the remote,  seems  to step the volume up  in 2 db increments, unlike the remote of Bel Canto Pre3. Its volume gain via its remote was more subtle and controllable.  

The issue for me is:....  I don't want to crank the volume up to 3 or 4 o'clock  high on either the Sphinx v.1 integrated or the new Rogue RP-1 pre-amp as a consequence of using  XLR to RCA cables.  If so, then I must search for a pre-amp that is either fully balanced or mixture of balanced and unbalanced connectors.  I need to understand more about the volume range I am operating  to make it  loud to my satisfaction   Thanks to all,   Jim 

Hi Jim,
do XLR to XLR IC's  "insignificantly" reduce RF noise carried by RCA cables. resulting in blacker grounds and improved clarity and transparency??
There's no universal answer, as it depends on many component, cable, system, and setup dependent variables.  As I mentioned, though, more often than not I would expect other factors to be more significant, such as the quality of the single-ended to balanced converter circuitry in components that have unbalanced internal signal paths (i.e., that are not "fully balanced").
I operate the volume in the range between 12 o'clock to 2 o'clock.which may be greater than "upper 25% " of its range" as noted
When I referred to the upper 25% I was thinking in terms of the physical position of a typical rotary-type volume control, which would have a range of adjustment from a minimum of perhaps 7 o'clock or so to a maximum of perhaps 5 o'clock or so.  So 2 o'clock would not be in the upper 25%. 

I haven't been able to find a spec or measurement of the gain, if any, that the Sphinx provides between its line-level inputs and its pre-outs.  But given that according to Stereophile's measurements the overall gain of the Sphinx between its line-level inputs and its speaker outputs is 31 db, and the gain of your VK-200 is spec'd at 25 db, it seems conceivable to me that on some recordings you might find yourself turning the volume up to the 3 or 4 o'clock positions you indicated you would prefer to avoid.  Personally, though, I would not consider that to be an issue.  And in fact it might even be desirable, as in some designs high settings of the volume control may lessen any sonic side-effects that may be introduced by the volume control mechanism itself.

Best regards,
-- Al

Al, Thanks again. for your comments and advice

 You should open an audio consulting business.  Jim

Jim, sorry, I won't bring up the subject of a line level/separate phonostage idea again. If only the RP-1 had XLR outs.  In your shoes I think I would continue looking for a used BAT 31 or 31SE with the recognition that my budget my have to be increased $300-$500 (somewhat of a guess). Advantages would be a truly balanced design and compatible pieces.
Forgot to mention:  If I had to pay AL for the knowledge gained from him via this forum I would be broke!