Pro Speaker Cables- first impression, I love them!
I finally went "ALL-IN" and gifted myself with a pair of Pro Speaker Cables. Something I've been dreaming about but thought I'd never do. I'm very glad I did.
I was using my Ultimate Reference Speaker cables prior to this.
Within 5 hours of listening The PRO's were obvious winners!!!
The changes were more dramatic that just a much better sound.
A new perceptual experience!
Pro's have a unique sound envelope projection I've never witnessed before. A stage opens before me.
It is exciting to know the Pros will improve for months. After one day they are profound. Richer, fuller tones and the air is ethereal, increased effortlessness and ease of involvement. Shockingly real.
I have several folks over to listen. Friends very familiar with my system.
All could very easily hear the vast improvement...
Here are some Quotes:
"This is really quite remarkable", "Fabulous", "Much Superior",
"Uncanny Realism" "Sublime", "WOW" and some explatives that could not be repeated. A friend of mine has been reporting major increases in performance as the weeks go by with his Pro Speaker Cables.
They are amazing after 2 days !!!!!!! ;-) ;-) D
I finally went "ALL-IN" and gifted myself with a pair of Pro Speaker Cables. Something I've been dreaming about but thought I'd never do. I'm very glad I did.
I was using my Ultimate Reference Speaker cables prior to this.
Within 5 hours of listening The PRO's were obvious winners!!!
The changes were more dramatic that just a much better sound.
A new perceptual experience!
Pro's have a unique sound envelope projection I've never witnessed before. A stage opens before me.
It is exciting to know the Pros will improve for months. After one day they are profound. Richer, fuller tones and the air is ethereal, increased effortlessness and ease of involvement. Shockingly real.
I have several folks over to listen. Friends very familiar with my system.
All could very easily hear the vast improvement...
Here are some Quotes:
"This is really quite remarkable", "Fabulous", "Much Superior",
"Uncanny Realism" "Sublime", "WOW" and some explatives that could not be repeated. A friend of mine has been reporting major increases in performance as the weeks go by with his Pro Speaker Cables.
They are amazing after 2 days !!!!!!! ;-) ;-) D