Subwoofer hunt

Hi folks. In the market again looking for a subwoofer...this is to complement my Focal Electra 1008Be with Hegel H160 setup. I was looking at JL E110 sub. Anything else I should be looking at? Also do the amps of these subs blow up frequently?

Hello again Bob. I prefer banana plugs myself but that option is already taken at both the amp and the speaker terminals by the normal speaker wire. It’ll have to be spades/spades I think.

Should be able to wrangle a short length (3-5'?)of the Belden 10 gauge and get it to play nice. If it’s stiff enough, might even help keep it off the carpet.
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Thanks guys for all your inputs. However I still have one more question :) promise this would be the last. 

So if I plan to just connect "ONE" sub for now. and if I still want to go with the high level inputs and not the pre-out from the sub how do I connect since there are two channels out there left and the right. Which one would I connect to?
@spoutjack -
I expect there will be 2 pairs of speaker level/high level inputs on the sub. A pair (+/-) for the left channel and a pair for the right. Check your sub mftr's. info. to confirm.
Good suggestion on the 2 way banana plug.  I'll take a look at that.
We ain't all that particular about things that don't make an audible difference.  Exactly how stiff is that Belden 12 gauge?  Not like coat hangers, I hope.  I might need to make a 90 or 180 degree bend...but talking mid-length - not near an end, so the bend can be gradual.  Let me know what you think.  Thanks.