advice on projectors and screens


I want to add video to my system for concert/music videos and know very little about it. I am looking for 2 channel for now so not really looking for audio advice, just video. I envision a ceiling mounted retractable screen of 80-100 inches and a projector. If you look at my system I see a screen hanging down in front of the speakers. I can make the room completely dark if needed.

I don't want to invest a lot of money but have no idea how much I need to get decent performance. My priority is sound quality which I already have but what will suffice for video?

How much do I need to spend on a projector and what are the specs that are most important for music videos?

Same question for screens.


How far away from the screen will the projector be mounted?.....throw range is different for each projector. (very important)

There are lots of great budget projectors out ($1,000-$2,000) street price for hi-def models.

You can read some reviews at Projector Central.

I'd suggest SeymourAV - they have attractively priced acoustically transparent screens. I did plenty of research and for a projector the Panasonic AE4000 was the best I could find (at a reasonable price, Sept 2010). It has great black levels and was far superior to my LCD HDTV. You need to be able to completely darken the room to get the best out of a projector setup.

Here is a link to what I installed

It will be about 20 feet from projector to screen. Thanks for the advice so far.

Take a look at the Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 8350 Projector for around $1,200 street price.

It should be alright at 20' as long as you use a screen with some gain (1.3-1.4).

Of course if your budget is a lot higher? didn't really say?
