Dennis Had Inspire SET with KEF LS50s

Has anyone tried driving KEF LS50s with a 17 watt Inspire SET, and what was your impression?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
The Inspire amps have great drive abilities, a lot better then a 300b SET.  What are your goals?  is this to be your only amp?  For me, I enjoy playing with this stuff.  I like to throw in a SET for a few days, and then go back to my Ref75se.  The great price on the Inspire amps allows me to play a bit...

On paper a full range SET amp is not a good technical match for optimal performance with most any (inefficient) smaller speaker with extended bass. Probably one of the biggest mismatches possible in general.

But that does not mean it might not sound good still at least in some cases. It will work and distortion not be an obvious issue perhaps up to a certain volume level but that’s about it. A lot always depends on the needs of the listener.

Adding powered subwoofers with crossover directing the low bass solely to those would solve the problem and would likely allow the SET to do its thing best and sound fantastic if done right.

Technically, Dennis Had's Inspire amps are SEP's not SET's, since they use Pentode tubes, not Triode tubes in the output stage.