I agree that zero feedback and single-ended are quite direct sounding. But, some of the most direct, immediate and vibrant sound can be had from output transformerless tube amps.
This would be a rough generalization because I've heard some extremely direct sounding push-pull amps too. Among the very best amps I've heard are the Western Electric 59A (crazy rare and expensive-pushpull), a recently built one-of-a-kind 271a amp (indirectly heated triode-pushpull), and a one-of-a-kind output transformerless amp.
I own two amps that are not too bad in terms of delivering an immediate and vibrant sound: 1) a modern build of a Western Electric 133a (using vintage parts, including authentic WE input and output transformers and plate-type resistors); and an Audio Note (uk) Kageki (parallel single-ended).