Analysis Plus speaker cables

can anyone offer their experience with these cables? tonality? refinement? 

I bought a pair of Copper oval nines for a pair of subs. I wasn't expecting much since they were a mere $600.00 plus dollars retail. One day I decided to try them out on my Snell Type B's. I was blown away! They were better than the Transparent Reference that were running at the time. How can this be? I've since bought the Silver Ovals. My interconnects are a mish mash though I expect to put all Analysis Plus on my system as time permits. I'm very happy with them. Joe
I used the Analysis Plus Copper Oval In Micro interconnects between an uber modded Oppo and a Woo Audio all tube SET headphone amp. I found them very open and musical, now that you mention it.
I’ve been using the Big Silver Ovals, for the past four years, with great satisfaction. I don’t want anything in my system to editorialize what’s on my personal recordings. I found them to be considerably more transparent than the Wireworld Eclipse III’s, that proceeded them. No regrets and no reasons to look further.
jafant, Sorry for the delay. My system in use right now consists of;
    Snell Type B's
    Cary 306 SACD player
    VPI TNT Mark V with 12 inch tonearm and Benz Ruby 2
    BSG Technologies Signal completion stage (new piece of gear)
    Classe CP700 with phono stage (I really like this preamp!)
    Parasound A21 amp (I know this is an inexpensive amp but DAMN it offers a lot! I have a Classe CA2300 (?) setting on the floor gathering dust. I should move it. It's a nice amp but I'm happy with the Parasound. AND Big Sliver Oval cables and interconnects. Very pleasing sound! Joe