What a waist. Listening to a great pair of speakers with cd player instead of turntable or reel to reel deck. At the very least they could’ve done full Gryphon electronics, why Chord and Gryphon in one chain?
inna --
Waste is not a thought that occurred to me when I auditioned the setup. The Typhoeus Momentum really sang, you should’ve been there to hear for yourself - anything else is being presumptuous, wouldn’t you say? The way the setup delivered extreme sonic insight and at the same time imparted a sense of cohesiveness and natural warmth was very arresting. Voices, instruments (I don’t think I’ve ever heard a harp sound that lovely), spatiality, micro dynamics in particular - everything sounded chillingly "real," for lack of a better word, indeed very musical.
Mr. Kristoffersen of Peak Consult has a full Reference line of Chord electronics - that is: CD-player, pre- and poweramp - he usually uses for demoing (also some Threshold gear), but the used Antelion poweramp (fully refurbished) he had just acquired, perhaps as part of a deal - can’t remember. Anyway, I’m sure Per found the inclusion of the Class-A Antelion in conjunction with the Chord components sonically interesting, as did I judging by the totality of the sound. Surely the right synergy effect or overall matching isn’t exclusive to using parts of the same brand? If I remember correctly Per also once had a full line of Gryphon electronics, hence his interest I gather in the Antelion.
Regarding the source: well, I’d rather not go there. An analogue source of some kind in this caliber will sound great, I’m sure, but I find digital dittos to do that as well.