Looking For A Subwoofer

with a small footprint(max about 12" square),speaker level INput  & speaker level OUTput.Would like to keep it under $500.00 but might go to $1000.00 for the right sub....Thanks much,take care...
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Hsu 12", $512

Having said this, without EQ, smaller subs are better. Maybe even a 10" such as this one.

My Spiel:
Subwoofer's are not plug and play.  The deeper they go the more likely to run into room interaction issues. Placement, EQ and bass traps are often needed.  If none of those are items you can spend time and money on, smaller is safer.


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Look into the REL S/2 subwoofer.


They retail at $1499 and some dealers have these on sale right now for 1/2 price.