Cable Controversy

I love the cable forum. Discussions about cable can really generate sparks among the mature audiophiles. Regarding cable design: Other than the basics of resistance, impedance, and conductance, it seems that there is very little firm ground upon which one can form convincing conclusions. Witness the bewildering array of cable designs, incoporating network boxes, magnets, biased shields, liquid conductors, solid core, braided strands, exotic metals, air dialectrics, to name but a few. In contrast: Regarding balanced cables, at least one experienced poster and equipment designer has stated here that all balanced cables perform identically, once a few basic design parameters are met.  I ask for the voices of experience and sanity to offer their theories and experience on the topic of cable design and performance. Thanks in advance.
From a purely scientific perspective cables are primarily and overwhelmingly a function of their resistance. Can the type of conductive material, insulation material, capacitance, the rest of teh audio gear and some other variables effect the overall sound, of course. However, all aspects other than sheer resistance or lack thereof are dwarfed in comparison (to resistance).

From perspectives other than scientific your guess is as good as mine.
Regarding resistance, in many and perhaps most circumstances it is indeed likely to be the most important parameter in the case of speaker cables, and also power cords. It might also be at least marginally significant in the case of digital interconnect cables.

Under nearly all circumstances, however, it will be of little and probably no significance in the case of line-level analog interconnects and phono cables, because it will be a totally insignificant fraction of the impedances of the components that are being connected, especially the input impedance of the destination component. In those cases capacitance and perhaps shielding will often be the most important parameters, depending on the impedances of the components that are being connected, the length of the cables, and several other variables. Although if ground loop issues are involved in an analog interconnection, that can be affected by the resistance of the shield or other return conductor in the cable.

Also, given the many component dependent variables that factor into the sonic effects of a cable, I agree with those who maintain that a cable that may be considered to be inferior to another in terms of its intrinsic sonic quality may perform better in many applications than one that is supposedly superior intrinsically.

Some relevant comments I posted on 12-15-2012 in this thread:
If an interconnect having relatively high capacitance is compared with one having relatively low capacitance, and if everything else is equal, the higher capacitance cable will produce a duller and more sluggish response in the upper treble region if used as a line-level interconnect (especially if it is driven by a component having high output impedance), due to the interaction of cable capacitance and component output impedance; while the exact opposite result will occur if those same two cables are compared in a phono cable application and driven by a moving magnet cartridge, due to the interaction of cable capacitance and cartridge inductance.
It is easily possible for digital cable "A" to outperform digital cable "B" in a given system when both cables are of a certain length, and for cable "B" to outperform cable "A" in that same system if both cables are of some other length. The happenstance of the relationships between cable length, signal risetimes and falltimes, cable propagation velocity, component susceptibility to ground loop-related noise, and the happenstance of how closely the impedances of both components and the cable match, all figure into that.
-- Al

I've owned much gear and cables of all variety in many systems and in various environments.  After 30 years, one thing has survived the test of choice of cabling.  Now, more than ever, MIT delivers true audiophile performance.  Large spacious sound stage, oodles of low level detail, micro and macro dynamics to die for, tone beyond reproach, extreme extension/control and flexible designs which adapt to various systems!  Simply the best

@dave_b When you mention "flexible designs" can we assume you have owned a variety of cables over time all manufactured my MIT?

When the system, or some part of the system is flawed and/or colored, we seek to correct it by using different flavors of cables. In contrast, when the individual components are well-balanced, full-range, and neutral, we naturally gravitate towards high-quality cables that have all the same virtues. At audio shows, in the best rooms, we see a clustering of high quality components, transducers, and cable looms that share these virtues. As a general rule, you do not see in these rooms a mixing and matching of different brands of cables and pricepoints.