Ice Amp 125ASX2

Are amps with this module comparable to the better class AB amps? The Tripath amps tended to be weak with bass and highs were a bit rolled I guess I'm wondering if the ICE Amps have solved the problems inherent to Class D? Thanks   
seanheis 1,

    Sorry the Ice amp didn't work out for you.  Like many have mentioned, class D amps are very neutral and add nothing to the source signal.  I own 3 and they all have that quality.

     With my 1st (CassD Audio SDS-440-SC), I paired it with a VTL preamp with NOS Mullard tubes that warmed things up more to my preference at the time.  Over time, however, my taste has changed and I now prefer my music detailed and unadorned.  I sold the VTL to a friend about a year ago and, surprisingly, I haven't missed it.   On the plus side, my system is now so quiet and neutral that I can easily notice any upstream changes, including cabling and power chords.

  But I understand everyone has their own sound preferences and I think you now at least better know your own.

     If I was aware you preferred a warm sound, I would have advised against a class D amp unless you wanted to use a good tube preamp.

Wish you the best,

Yes, PC's are notorious for causing ground loop issues, using any metal plugs.

For analog outs from a PC the best solution is an isolation transformer from Jensen. Almost all USB DAC's now have galvanic isolation built in, and of course if your PC has optical S/PDIF outs then your good too. :)

Actually any conducting interface in any good dac these days (AES, coaxial, USB) should be isolated, though I'm sure some are too cheap to do this.  Occasionally I'll still read that DAC x has high noise, or jitter, and the tester finally realized there was a ground loop involved.  << sigh >>



Thanks for all of the help guys. For now, I am going to stick with half width class AB amps like my Emotiva Mini X & Brio R. Maybe add a Parasound Zamp V.3. With Tidal now streaming to Chromecast Audio, it's fun to setup multiple rooms in the house and play music simultaneously.  
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