Oregonpapa has mentioned in a few posts how much he likes the Von Gaylord interconnects. I also have a loom of the Von Gaylord interconnects in my system, a mix of the top of the line, 7000s and the next step down( previous totl) Chinchilla. If you'll search the threads, you'll find a few posts I made about the Chinchilla. IMHO, the Chinchilla is the best value in the entire line. Only in a very resolving system and under careful evaluation can you distinguish between the top two interconnects. I have an extra 1M pair of Chinchilla that I would be glad to send you to evaluate in your system. If you like them and want to keep them, I'll work out a great deal for you. If you don't like them, just return them to me. The Chinchillas have large barrels, so you need to have adequate gap between the RCA input/output. The interconnects are arrowed for directionality. As Oregonpapa mentioned, Peter Moncrieff of IAR fame wrote a gloating review about the Chinchillas many years ago declaring them the best interconnects on the planet. It was this review that convinced me to try them. I'm glad that I did.
Oregonpapa has mentioned in a few posts how much he likes the Von Gaylord interconnects. I also have a loom of the Von Gaylord interconnects in my system, a mix of the top of the line, 7000s and the next step down( previous totl) Chinchilla. If you'll search the threads, you'll find a few posts I made about the Chinchilla. IMHO, the Chinchilla is the best value in the entire line. Only in a very resolving system and under careful evaluation can you distinguish between the top two interconnects. I have an extra 1M pair of Chinchilla that I would be glad to send you to evaluate in your system. If you like them and want to keep them, I'll work out a great deal for you. If you don't like them, just return them to me. The Chinchillas have large barrels, so you need to have adequate gap between the RCA input/output. The interconnects are arrowed for directionality. As Oregonpapa mentioned, Peter Moncrieff of IAR fame wrote a gloating review about the Chinchillas many years ago declaring them the best interconnects on the planet. It was this review that convinced me to try them. I'm glad that I did.