I owned a pair of OMD-15s for five years and had a pair of Mirage MM8 8” compact subs with them for at least three of those years. The OMD-15s are pretty picky about getting decent bass. It requires a solid (e.g., masonry) floor and reasonable proximity to room boundaries to get meaningful bass below around 42 Hz. My pair was in the living room on a suspended wooden floor and I couldn’t get the wide cones to penetrate the carpet all the way to the floor. I thought about getting Soundocity outriggers to aid in seating the speakers, but I came across some closeout specials for the MM8s and bought them instead.
If I’d had more money I might have gotten a couple of bigger subs, but that’s what I got and the advantage of the MM8s is that they were *very* quick and blended easily with the OMDs. The downside is that they were only good down to around 36 Hz. If I could have gotten a sub or two that extended into the 20s, this rig would have really excelled on a wide range of music including one of my favorites—bombastic large-scale orchestral pieces such as The Planets, Scheherazade, etc.
Which sub size you go for depends on how much grunt and bass extension you can get out of the OMD-15s. Can you spike them clear through to the floor and ensure that there’s no wobble? Can you move them around and find a balance between imaging and bass reinforcement from room boundaries? Then they can reach into the 30s and you would probably want a 10” or 12” sub and use a lower crossover point. If your bass is disappearing around 45-50 Hz you may need to stick with a pair of 8-inchers to get a good blend at a higher crossover point.
A third option if you can spring for it, would be to get a pair of Sunfire HRS8s, an 8” subwoofer with a very high-excursion driver that can realistically reach down into the 20s.
http://www.sunfire.com/productdetail.asp?id=17The JL Audio Dominion d108 is another 8" sub that reaches down to around 30 Hz.