VPI Classic Platter- Naked or better with a mat?

I was contemplating trying a Living Voice Mystic Mat or Millenium mat, as I've read very positive reviews about it for my Super Scoutmaster Ref. rimdrive. I called Music Direct and was told to leave the Classic platter as it is without using a mat, as it is a beautiful platter the way it is. The salesperson also said he did not hear it with a mat, but thought it was great without any mat. Very refreshing to not be told that it would make a positive difference and try to sell you. I appreciate that about Music Direct. Just wondering what others have tried and what your experiences are with different mats. Thanks.
The Herbies mat I have was on my Rega P9 previously - a mat made for the P9.  I still have static somewhat in the winter but not as bad as without the mat.
Ordered a Herbies Way Excellent II mat yesterday. I'll post when I have had some time listening with and without the mat. Thanks everyone.
I have a Prime and a static issue.  Jake's deer hide mat available from Amazon and on Ebay that Stringreen recommended helps quite a bit to drain static with the suede side up. 
Classic 1 here .. 
  Have a vpi strobe mat super thin rubber mat .. Never use them i go no mat 99% of the time . Mess around with it . One  of the only cheaper things in this hobby 
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