PS Audio CD Memory Transport?? Yes Or NO

I have thousands of cds and I have 4 or 5 cd players. To me they all sound pretty similar. I want to buy one that would be a step up. I have Marantz 6005, Pioneer cd recorder, California Audio Labs Mark 2 and an old Oppo dvd player. I have a Wyred 4 Sound Dac 2. LIke I said I cannot tell if any of them sound any better than the others. I think the California Audio actually sounds best to me. I have Prima Luna separates and a Luxman 505U integrated amp. The questions is, will I hear any improvement going to a transport with the hard drive to reduce jitter etc. or will it be a waste of money? Any advice or other suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks,

Well, I'd say do you want it to sound better?

Do you hear better when you go into a store? Imaging, balance, voices, piano. Does any of it make you t hink you are missing something?

Have you auditioned great headphone gear to give you a reference?

USB 2.0 Asynch, properly implemented, is the bomb, but can be done really cheaply and well too.


The PWT is a memory transport; it plays for about 30 seconds or so if I eject the disc while in play mode. The memory component of the transport has nothing to do with eventual DAC filtering.  The memory is to make sure the DAC receives error-free data from the disc before converting. By using the I2S interface, the clock signals are kept discreet in the interconnect so as not to have to combine at the digital output of the PWT and then deconvolute at the DAC in prior to filtering.
Out of all my CD players my favorite right now is the California Audio Lab Mark II. It is an old CD player. I have thousands of CDs and figure this will be the ladt CD player I will buy. Not a fan of the Marantz 6005. I am hoping this PS Audio transport with my Wyred 4 sound Dac will be my final source purchase. I feel like my source component is the weak link in my system. This should take care of that. Thanks for all the help.
I am quite happy with the Ayon CD player I have. It costs several times what the PWT does, I am familiar with PS Audio gear and would probably have tried the PS Audio PWT if I had not gotten lucky and got the Ayon when I did ...and at a good price.

The idea behind the PWT is excellent and makes sense.