I was able to place two 3to2 adapters on all components EXCEPT the main
amplifier, I think by doing this the system is now funneling the grounds
down to the one outlet, and now its quiet as a mouse!!
Matt, correct me if I'm wrong but I believe you are saying that you placed 3-prong to 2-prong adapters (also referred to as cheater plugs) on the AC power plugs of components, using them with the safety ground pin left unconnected, and that the reference to "two" adapters means that you put one on the power plug of the preamp and one on the power plug of the phono stage.
If so, what you've done is to break a ground loop between the phono stage and the preamp, that was causing the noise. If you search past threads here dealing with the use of cheater plugs to resolve ground loop issues (which can take the form of hum or high frequency noise or both) you'll find that some people have utilized that approach as a permanent fix, while others passionately argue that it creates a completely unacceptable safety risk. The risks being fire and shock. And also the possibility that if a major fire were to start in that room, use of cheater plugs could conceivably provide your insurance company with an excuse to not pay.
FWIW my opinion on the matter is that while the risks are **extremely** small, it cannot be said that they are zero. Personally, I would consider using cheater plugs to resolve ground loop problems to be a solution that is acceptable in the short term but not permanently. Good permanent solutions would include inserting a suitably chosen
Jensen transformer between the phono stage and the preamp, assuming that what I said in the first paragraph above is a correct interpretation (post back if you'd like more information on model selection), or changing one of the components to something else, or in the case of a responsive manufacturer asking them if they can change the internal grounding configuration of their component to one that is less susceptible to ground loop issues.
But those are just my own feelings on the matter. Others have different views in many cases, as I mentioned. And of course it's your call.
-- Al