Another way to deal with the ground loop without resorting to cheater plugs is to use a full wave bridge rectifier installed between chassis ground and audio ground, in either your preamp or phono stage, or both. You install it such that the diodes provide the isolation between the two, but there is only a ~2V voltage drop (that of two diodes in series) between audio and earth ground, which ain't going to hurt anyone. You would need an experienced tech, unless you understand the theory. A simpler method is to use a low value resistance, like 100 ohms, to separate the two grounds, which might or might not work. Meantime, like Almarg, I don't think the danger of what you have done is so great as to cause panic. The un-grounded components are in contact with earth ground via the ICs, assuming that your amplifier's earth ground and audio ground are in continuity. OR, even simpler, you might find that re-arranging the plugs so that they all come off the same AC receptacle would permit you to go back to using 3 prongs.