Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Output volume levels from the DEQX can be set higher or lower on any or all of the four configs so you can adjust accordingly. 

If 2 channel is your priority then in my experience nothing comes close to DEQX, especially if you are able to conduct initial measurements outdoors. 


Ah good, the volume settings could solve the problem.  May seriously consider just sticking with 2 channel for TV if the voices can be tuned correctly.  

Definitely going to measure outside.  Big grass lawn next to my house and easily moved Raidho D1 monitors.  My old ML CLXes would not have been contenders for outside measurements!
I just stumbled upon this story in TAS form 2008:

Alon Wolf of Magico used a DEQX crossover in his own Ultimate speakers.  That certainly is a big validation of the transparency of these units!
Thanks for posting that article, jeffrubin. I stumbled upon another article I thought was germane to this thread given all the talk of measuring speakers and interpreting frequency response graphs in the DEQX calibration software. I got an extra kick out of this since I own the Revel F208s that are featured in this test.
Thanks blang.  That's a terrific article, I had not scene it.  I am currently attempting to learn everything I can about speakers and acoustics prior to pulling the trigger on a DEQX (now more "when" than "if").  I'm slowly working my way through the dense but brilliant, Master Handbook of Acoustics.