Most favored hearing aid for audiophiles

Is there a brand or a model of a brand that is most favored by hearing impaired audiophiles?

Yep. @goldenear1948, I am also interested in what others are using/doing. 

The effect of the tinnitus for me has meant there are very few moments during the day/night when music or audio of some kind isn't playing.

Being alone with the cicadas can get claustrophobic. 

This question was addressed a few years ago, I think in the forums here.  The consensus seemed to be that the one remaining analog provider of hearing aids was making the only hearing aid that sounded musical, but, I don't recall the name of that manufacturer, sorry.   
I've tried them, but they turn music into cheap plastic.  Went round and round to try to get to a good place, but the audiologist said that although the electronics of the good ones go from 20 - 20,000 hz, proper miniature microphones haven't been invented...maybe to 6 k or so on the top, and 100 or so in the bass.
Many people texting me instead of calling for obvious reason. My hearing isn’t best since birth. Therefore I usually crank volume control. Loud music I hear much better than telephone conversation.
Basic Samsung phone gives the best sound of what I tried. Galaxy 7 is not bad. No, I don't have this kind of things, I just like good audio quality wherever it is. Did you notice that some people speak like a good loudspeaker while others like a crap loudspeaker? Most speak somewhere in between. I don't mean just over the phone, I mean in person.