How loud in DB, Is "cranking it"


i just just got a new amp and was Playing my 87 db efficient speakers( Thiel)

My speakers 8 ft apart and I sit 9ft back

I was just playing my amp at "30 watts class A" and I heard 97 db at listening seat.
I normally listen at 70-75 db

I was told the Xa30.5 might not have enough power! In my questions to Audiogon

To me it's WAY more than I issues here. If my amp is considered underpowered, You guys must be nuts!!

So; the question:. 

How loud is " crankin it" for you guys
How loud do you normally listen?

I think I recall in an article that Eddie Kramer would leave the control room if a band needed to listen to playback above 90 dB. 

The Pass amplifier was reviewed/measured by Stereophile and having just looked up the info it output 332 watts into 2 ohms @ 1% distortion and close to 200 watts @ 4 ohms.

I do not understand what Nelson did with the new design, but it’s a major departure (headroom wise) from the Aleph series.