Most favored hearing aid for audiophiles

Is there a brand or a model of a brand that is most favored by hearing impaired audiophiles?

I should also recommend the idea of digitally manipulating music to suite your hearing loss.

You can alter files directly, or use something like a miniDSP or nanoDSP to alter the sounds on the fly. You are probably going to get much better fidelity this way than with most hearing aids.

It's also reasonably straight forward to make custom speaker crossovers if you know the parameters of your hearing loss.


     Being a musician for 40 yrs tintinus is a real thing , I also have been diagnosed with menieres in my right ear ( they say its from so many ear infections from being a surfer my whole life I'm 49) .Its tough because ripping the volume can make my ear right ear just sizzle for an hour 100db ish' ( like being on the wing of a plane). Thats probly the main reason I havn't went crazy anymore with my system( crazy to gon memebrs lol).I usually have some type of ear protection when i am playing guitar( thats can be 120db easy).Get your hearing tested I am lacking some low end in my right ear(menieres damage).Honestly if its bad you may think of running some type of eq and setting it for your ears screw everyone else.. 
Your not alone buddy there are alot of people who love music and have hearing loss,sometimes i find it draws people in because they appriciate it more regardless of there hearing .It's just not "Coooll" lol... to talk about it here..I know alot! I mean alot of musicians who are dam near deaf (Townsend is almost deaf)  hearing damage is permanent !!.I am militant about having ear protection on my daughter from birth till now at 19mnths she love her headphones at the shows and festies its amazing to see infants and children just getting drilled with 120db its plain stupid...
good luck
I hear ya oleschool. Though getting a pair of those molded ear plugs made (which allow 5-10-15-20dB attenuation via little changeable discs) made in my early 30's, a certain amount of permanent damage had already been done (thanks Jimi!). My tinnitus is severe enough that I need to have music playing while trying to fall asleep, the "tape hiss" noise playing 24/7 in my head otherwise preventing it.
Ya bdp my wife likes complete silence .well its not always silent in my head lol .. There have been times i have thrown some jazz in the ole bose headphones and went to sleep .. When it comes to tinitus its all about trying to relieve the focus on it . Ya right huh .. I know im gonna stir it up by this comment. But in my state we have medical cannabis high cbd edibles kick tinitus ass .. They dont get you high .. Also try backing off on salts in general . If your ringing or hissing is constant well thats permanent. I would suggest a hearing test .a real one ..
Trolls not welcome... Starkey brought out a series of hearing aids this March claiming they were designed for music lovers. I wonder if anyone here  owns them or has demoed them. I can only tolerate my present very expensive Oticon's for speech as they seem to make the best analog sound like the worst MP3 ...