I need a motor pulley for a 300 RPM VPI motor............Does anyone know a dealer that can help with this ??
Looking your responses, does someone knows how to adjust pulley belt, noticed it was a little loose but trying to adjust makes the pulley unstable.Can someone knows a trick to adjust perfectly this one?
Hello Everyone,

I would be more than happy to help you out with locating a new pulley for your turntable. We no longer offer direct sales to customers. You would be able to reach out to any of our dealerships and they would be able to send you the 300RPM pulley and any other parts you may need. Here is the direct link to our dealership page for our website.

There is no log in required on our website. If there is not a local dealer in your area we offer several online dealers such as Soundstagedirect.com, Musicdirect.com, Elusivedisc.com and more. You would be able to give them a call and order the part if you prefer. 

We are more than happy to answer any questions about our tables. We answered an all time record of over 18,000 emails in the past year alone. Please feel free to email us at info@vpiindustries.com or email me directly at marc@vpiindustries.com if you have any questions or concerns.  

VPI Customer Service Director
Marc:    If it matters, I could make one before I could find anyone to sell me one....Do you have any idea how simple it would have been for me to call you and order one.....It could have been done in less than five minutes....One more happy customer....Keep up the good customer relations......Thanks for taking the time for the e-mail.......autospec
Harry was always fun to deal with, He is why VPI is what it is, the kids couldn't pull that success by themselves..... If WNTRMUTE2 doesn't believe me about the lathe and the brass rod, send me your e-mail address and I'll send you some pictures and while I am at it I'll send some pictures of my more than (15) VPI turntables.......So I have invested plenty in VPI.........
autospec -  Sorry, but if you did some of the basic things one normally does to get support these days, you would have been able to get your pulley. If you simply sent an email to the support email address they probably would have helped you find one. Marc from VPI reached out to you directly and you basically blew him off. I get it - you do not like the current VPI support model. But that does not mean you cannot get a part if you try. You did not want to try. That was your choice.

I also wonder why you needed the pulley. Did your break one? Or buy a motor second hand and not get the pulley? Or did you figure out who makes the motor (not hard to do) and buy it from someone other than VPI?

Sorry, but the negativity is tiring.