Getting a soundstage using headphones that makes the listener forget the sound is between the ears is a challenge, but it can be done.
The most practical starting point is using Sennheiser 800 headphones. They have the biggest soundstage, are lightweight, and comfortable. Also easy to drive. Buy a used pair. If it looks like the experiment might work for you, upgrade the headphone cable (it will decrease glare and grain).
Listen to headphones lying down with the room lights dim. In this position have your eyes closed and listen to the music. It is then much easier to tell your brain that the drums are now 15 feet in front of you, instead of being inside or behind your brain. Removing conflicting visual triggers will do a lot to retrain the brain. It does take time . It is worth it.
Everything that affects a big speaker system affects headphone listening but even more so. So for a great headphone experience think cables, interconnects, footers, fuses, wall outlets, equipment racks. But think in terms of improving darkness, decreasing grain, and reducing the HF hash that moves instruments closer to the listener. Fast detailed components might not be the best path.
The highlight of many days for me is the just before sleep headphone listening session.
David Pritchard