1990; I heard the "Grail" at The Spectral/Wilson dealer of the time.Lived in Alaska at the time/ On vacation to visit family/friends in Chicago. Spent 3-4 hrs ; 3-4 days every week during the month I was on vacation ( the dealer was a great guy and multiple rooms/ Spectral systems. Visited many dealers in Seattle and Chicago but never heard the "Grail" again; great systems,great sound but not the "Grail"
It has been rare to hear the "Grail" even with the best gear at some of the best dealers. I was able to achieve it in my Alaska apartment just as I was moving back to Chicago . Only stuff not packed as freight was eguipment and some tube traps. Made me realize room/ room , speaker setup.
Have stayed on Spectral path since I got my first used piece in 1996. Have not been disappointed Other than my own room/system it is rare that I hear the big G. Last I heard it, was April at Axpona( CAT/ Martin room)
Alaska system/ Thiel 3.5; Nelson Pass electronics, Tice power conditioner, LInn LP12; MIT ICs
I fully understand having no dealers near you,Wait and visit when you can. Use your ears when you can. ROOM , Speaker set-up, TT ( if used) and electronics far away as practical , ROOM , Speaker set-up, ROOM, Speaker set-up.