Power amp for Modwright LS100

Just got a Modwright LS100 and now looking for a suitable amp. Speakers is a pair of Harbeth SHL5+. Recommendations would be welcome!
I presently drive Daedalus Argos V2 with Modwright LS100 & KWA100SE. Yes, the yare a different "animal" than the Harbeths. That said, they previously drove JM Reynaud Offrande Supreme monitors easily and musically.
Thanks for your replies. The likes of XA30.8 and AR REF75SE  are surely excellent amps but are over my budget. 
I had the LS 100 ---Parasound halo A21 amp---Theos Speakers n KimberKable silverstreak IC---12TC speaker cable---sounded good 2 me----Plus using the LR controls on back of A21 were much better sounding then using the useless balance control on the LS100........  Good Luck.
I’ve been running a Pass x250.8 with great results. I’ve also tried the Black Treasure CV181’s ( 2 different pairs) in my LS-100 and have nothing but noise after a couple months use. Now have a set of Psvane CV181’s running which are almost as good as the Black Treasures, but are starting to get a little noisy after just a few months. I’ve gone through the old rectifier tube that was in when I got it in May of last year, plus a new one I replaced the old one with. This also blew the Synergistic Red fuse I was running in it. I’m done playing with tubes. Just the other day I bought an Ayre K-1xe to replace the Modwright. It arrives Thursday.
Good luck in your quest.