Which integrated amp would you pick?

Musical Fidelity M6 or Parasound Halo? Any thoughts would be very much appreciated. 
I owned the Halo and was quite impressed. Again as stated, a swiss army knife of integrated amps. How some people say it sounded "bad" is beyond me but so be it. I did sell it to fund a Wyred 4 Sound ST500 integrated which I am extremely pleased with. I drive Magnepan .7's which like all maggies, love current. I owned one MuFi amp in the day, can't remember the model but very much enjoyed that amp as well. There are many good choices in your price range so features play a part too. I enjoyed the Yamaha 1000 series as well, not your Mom's box store Yamaha.
@gdhal , there is a Vitus RI-100 on the ’Gon right now with 50hrs. The guy is asking $8k, but you could probably bang that down to $7.5k. Still a stretch, but that would be a really nice upgrade.
NAD C317, Rogue Cronus Magnum, Hegel H200 and now the Accuphase E-600. All great integrated amplifiers which I'm thankful to have owned, I hope the Accuphase is the last I ever buy.

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