Tweaks for a new ARC preamp?

Out of touch audio fan updating (a bit) a vintage system. Preamp is an Audio Research LS2MKIIB with remote which has been mine since 6/1994. Currently on a Siemens and Halske 6922 Cca grey plate with grounded tube cooler and the unit on spikes.  Sony XA5400 ES CD/SACD run balanced through to 2 Sumo Andromeda 2A amps with one amp each running an Acoustat 1100 ...  one channel on panel, one channel on base module.  Secondary source is a Sansui TU-9900 that has the works done by Mike Williams at Radio X including Burr Brown op amps.  All cabling is Straightwire Maestro or Virtuoso and the CD to pre to amp legs are run full balanced.  Room is treated by Acoustic Sciences

Strongly considering a strong deal on a brand new Audio research LS17SE and would like to know from those who have some much more current experience than mine about tubes (other than stock), power cords, etc., as possibilities for the new pre, should I execute the purchase.

Present system has great dynamics and soundstage, imaging is excellent but timbre and musicality are areas I expect to improve upon the change.

Have you listened to PrimaLuna?

Also, have you listened to the newest ARC? It's not the same. :)


I have not listened to it in my room but have read many reviews. The only store in town with PrimaLuna doesn't allow in home auditions so that's same same, if I was interested in them.  I appreciate your thoughts but don't understand how it relates to the questions I asked.
I would try swapping cables, starting with the Sony to ARC, before replacing the preamp.  My memory of that period Straightwire was that they were detailed and slightly bright.
I owned an LS2 mk2 for a long time, upgraded to an LS25 mk2. This was a HUGE step up. ARC preamps have come a long way in the last 20 years. I found a deal on a demo LS 27 a couple years ago. I had planned to upgrade, but after having the LS 27 in my system for a week I thought it was a sideways move. I eventually moved up to a Ref 5se which is an incredible preamp.

 I have heard the 17 in my system but not the se. It was a nice preamp. If you are thinking of buying new I would probably opt for something like a used Ref 2 mk2. Use a  Shunyata power cord, something above the Venom and replace the stock fuse with a HiFi tuning or Synergistic.

 The newer ARC preamps use the 6h30 tube and not the 6922. The jump was made between the LS 25 / Ref 2 and LS25 mk2 / Ref 2 mk2. I have had both the LS25 and 25 mk2 in my system. The difference is not small.