Help me choose a receiver,Rotel1550, Arcam 400 or

Marantz 7005, I have center b&w speaker htm2, also will upgrade from my 602's to 805s, present reciever is Marantz 5004, sub is paradigm seismic 110 (love my sub for now) am I in the right track? I was told that Rotel works well with b&w speakers.
Any input would be very much appreciated.
Thank you
I thought to post what I've learned in reading reviews about the Rotel receivers for anyone interested.
The less powerful 1550 (5x70wpc) has class A/B amps and the 1560 class D amps,
The more powerful 1560 they recommend using a power conditioner and a better power cord they add that it made a big difference for cleaner sound output of the 1560, I dont know much about the amp class difference but thought I pass on the info that I've read. Overall both had great reviews.
Amp power means NOTHING till its doubled...class A~B is better smoother sounding than D (as noted by those power tweaks) stick with 50...power wont be noticed at a 10w increase but its harsher sound will be.
I did'nt know about the A/B and D amp class difference.
Now that I read about the wattage differences, I understand what you mean, it said that doubling the(watt)power only increases sound by about 3db.
I'm more interested in the 1550 because I prefer a 5.1 system. Reviews on the Arcam avr400 about same price range as the Rotel)are also awsome.
Thanks Chad