Opinions on a good HT/Music AVR

Hi Everyone,

Been looking at my finances and I may have to rethink some ideas. I am looking for what y’all would recommend as good HT/music AVR. Right now I have Von schweikert l/r and center with dipole rears. The l/r are the bookshelf type. I am planning on Vr-33’s in the future. I have a Nakamichi avr that I have had for years, but am looking to upgrade. Will replace my dvd with the oppo 95 soon. I like a clean and simple op system and don’t really need 7.1 or 9.1 as I will not ever have that many, but I know alot of avr’s this is standard. I am willing to spend up to $3k. I have a large room so a little power would be good. Look forward to your input.

Joe in Mobile
Joe, the only AVR's that sound good for both music and movies that I know of would be NAD. The T765 or &775 would fit the bill.
The Arcam receivers are very good for music and theater.
I know a couple of sound engineers who use them in their home theater rooms.
And they are resonably priced
Forget all-in-one receivers. For 3 Large you can buy a Butler TDB-5150 5-channel tube/MOSFET amp and an Emotiva UMC-1 preprocessor. This combo will lay waste to most any receiver of equal value...
