Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
Hello Ketcham,
I am glad you are enjoying your SX DAC.
I am curious whether you are using the DAC’s volume control and/or Steve’s Final Drive, or do you run your DAC to a preamp?
Have you tried either (the volume control or the Final Drive) and if so what did you think of them?
Thanks for sharing any insights.
Although currently i am not using Steve's volume control, it is designed in such a way to present the information in bit perfect form nor loose dynamics in the output stage.  The old Meitner Museatex bidat had a similar design.  

ODSE > Final Drive > Allnic A6000 mono blocks was far superior to ODSE > Allnic L3000 > Allnic A6000, as if wool blankets three layers thick were removed from the speakers providing more depth, detail, improved clarity and imaging.  The Allnic retails for $13,000.

I since replaced the Allnic L3000 with the $23,000 L5000 DHT, which I purchased used for $10,000.  The sound was different but of a comparable quality.  With a DHT/Transformer based system, there is limited benefit adding the final drives.  I believe Matt, also with a high quality pre-amplifier found no benefit.

I have not tried this comparison again with the ODSX, but will report back when I am able to give it the focus it needs.  Per Steve's recommendations I am trying a loom of Antipodes Reference cables.  My system likes balanced cables better and I will sell off my High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Loom.  One of my amps gets a 60/120 Hz low noise with balanced cable while using the VH Audio Plasmatron.  It follows the amp, but could be the balanced cable design.  I believe the Plasmatron adds significant benefit to Steve's DAC.  Matt tried his on my recommendation and didn't like it.  So eventually I will see where things settle out.

This is my long winded answer.  The Final Drives are passive using quality transformers.  For the price, I have yet to see anything better.  His DAC plus Final drive to amplifier is an excellent combination and definitely a reasonable price.  For me buying and selling gear often is a money losing proposition and getting the sound I desire was met with this consequence, more so than I care to admit.  Through this process, I learned to trust Steve's ear.  In hindsight, I wish I invested in the ODSX with Ethernet input/Findal Drive combination and focused my resources elsewhere.  This would negate the need for a server, preamp and allow yourself to focus on an amplifier or speakers, if needed.

Getting a demo of the CH Precision C1 DAC in a week at home. I will compare it to my Audio Note DAC 5 Special V2. Massively different designs so should be interesting.

I also have the AMR DP-777 DAC / Pre-amp which has an R-2R chip and for the money it is bang on, very smooth and non digital.

I have to admit I am an Audio Note fanboy but willing to be diverted if another DAC sounds right to me.
Ketch, thanks so much.  I'm not surprised at all.  The OSDE/SE is such an exceptional DAC to begin with.  Steven shared some of the upgrades he did and who time consuming they are.  It's a labor of love, that's for sure.  For those who want to get finally jump on board, getting an upgraded OSDX used is awesome as you can save a few dollars and enjoy a GREAT sounding DAC.  Very cool.
I have been pretty happy with Metrum's Pavane, which bests all the DACs and disc players I have owned or auditioned in my system.  I am interested in Metrum's new Adagio DAC, which reportedly goes beyond being simply a Pavane with volume control.

The volume control on the Adagio is implemented by changing the reference voltage of the dacs, which seems similar to the technology used by Empirical Audio for their volume control.  Metrum has modified the DAC boards and increased the maximum reference voltage by 3 times resulting in a reported noise floor of -155 dB and improved linearity.  The Adagio uses 30VA transformers for each channel  (double the Pavane)  and 16 ladder dacs instead of the 8 used in the Pavane.  

I look forward to hearing whether the DAC with volume direct approach will sound better than sending the signal through the AN tantalum resistors in the volume control of my zero gain, buffered preamp.  It would also be fun to try the Adagio with and without the Final Drive.