2.1 disability...

I am currently upgrading my system and am trying to do it slowly for financial reasons. For now, I am using a modified Pioneer 47ai universal player into an Audio Refinement Pre2DSP. I have a powered sub within my 5.1 speaker setup. For some reason, in order to listen to a 2 channel recording and add the sub (2.1) I must press a tape monitor button under the chassis in the preamp. This degrades the sound to some extent and I was wondering is anyone who still owns one of these dinosaurs can tell me a way around it? I have the universal also hooked up in analog 5.1 into the pre, as well as the 2 channel outs as this seemed to be the only way it would work. Should I just buy a new processor and be done with it? Basically I understand that 2 channel means 2 channel and I am asking the pre to add the sub to the 2 channel mix. Maybe it is just not capable of doing that? Help me!!
The best reason to upgrade would be to add a blu-ray player and HDMI connections for HD audio. This is a significant improvement in movie sound quality.

My wife has made me stop a movie and fix the output on the blu-ray player once because it wasn't sending the HD track and it sounded like poo poo compared to the first time we watched the movie.
The Audio Refinement Pre2DSP was a transitional product, as was their Pre5. There are analog multichannel preamps that do not have such constraints but, as Mceljo says, it is time to move on to a modern device that will do HDMI as well as analog.

Mceljo - I so appreciate you taking the time to help try to answer my question. That's what I love about this community - people are just so generous with their expertise here. You were correct in your analysis on how I have the outputs configured.

Kal - I did not know it was considered a transitional product. Would you, or anyone else for that matter, recommend any processor in particular? I was thinking of one of the Integra pieces like the 80.1 or the 9.9? I wanted to spend around $1,000 for a used piece here on Audiogon. I was planning on using the device for audio only and sending video via HDMI directly to the new TV I am getting in about 2 weeks - the new Panasonic 65" VT30 plasma (I'm excited about that !!).

Again - thank you so much for your time and consideration in helping me out.
The Integras are good machines and each was pretty much at the cutting edge for its time. There was a big change in the analog portions for the 80.1/2 but, for digital, all are performers. Just choose your feature set.
Llippman - What do you have connected to the 5.1 inputs other than the subwoofer? If you connect the Pioneer completely to those inputs I would suspect that you'll get 2.1 sound.

I have the Integra 50.1 receiver that retails for $1,500 and am fairly happy with it. The 80.2 has four independent power supplies while the 70.2 only has two. I'd suspect this might make a difference in the sound quality.

What do you have for speakers and subwoofer?
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