Speakers with warm treble and good bass

I've been on the hunt now for a several years, attempting to find speakers that match the criteria of having good bass and soft, warm treble output.  A good liquid midrange with good texture and timbre separation is another top priority.  The speakers I have owned and tried:

Paradigm Studio 60 v3
LSA 1 Standard Edition Monitors
Totem Staff
Golden Ear Triton 3
Vandersteen 2ce Sig ii
Tekton Pendragon
Acoustic Zen Adagio
Spatial Audio Hologram M3 Turbo S

Out of all of those, the most enjoyable due to warmest sound signature was the LSA 1 monitors.  Of course those were the most deficient in bass out of that entire list.  Contrary to that, the Golden Ear Triton 3 had the best bass (obviously, due to the built-in powered subs).  The Adagios had the best detail and least distortion, but were a bit too analytical in the end for my tastes.

So far, surprisingly, the speakers that seem to get the best blend of everything for my tastes have been the Paradigm Studio 60 v3.  These are not "reference level" speakers by any means, but they achieve a nice balance of detail, dynamics, bass, and have a surprisingly good midrange.  Unfortunately, the pesky metal dome tweeter has gotten on my last nerve during many listening sessions.  

I am trying to stay in the price range of the aforementioned speakers.  What suggestions do you all have for speakers that can meet this criteria for a smooth, dynamic, and warm sound?

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I would audition the Monitor Audio line again if I were you... I’ve had Paradigm for 20+ years and now have Monitors and think the sound you are looking for describes them very well... I can tell you for a fact that the Monitor Silver 8s are much better in every way than the V3 of the Studio 60s

yeah but monitor audio can be hot in highs,but  might be pair very well with tube amp,dynaudio contour le will fit the bill but they don't mate well with tube amp
harbeth and spendor will mate very well with tube amp,but the bass will be problem
@steakster I agree that your satisfaction with speakers is bound to change when you clean up your power. I found power quality to be more important than speaker cables, which make less of a difference versus power quality. (I use PS Audio Power plants.)

I also have a Rogue "Cronus Magnum+" and it sounded great with Avalon Acoustics "Eidolon" speakers (AntiCables speaker cables). Since the Rogue, I’ve also run Ayon Audio "Triton III"s and Raven Audio "Blackhawk LE". I found the Rogue to have a wonderful sound, but it has a discernible noise floor versus either the Ayon or Raven. I would attribute that to the premier quality of the parts (especially the resistors and caps, along with transformer shielding) of the Raven and Ayon. I could be wrong, and it could have been my tubes, but I did roll a few through the Rogue so... (Note: Rogue is a GREAT bargain at it’s price point, even more so used, plus it’s made in the USA ...same as Raven.)

I’d start with my power, the I’d try out different speakers. I recently listened to the Harbeth Super HL5 plus and also the Monitor 30.1 and 40.2 -- all are wonderful speakers. I am absolutely dying to hear the Harbeths with the Raven amp, that might become my next home office system. (The Ayon Triton seems to be in love with the Avalon Eidolon speakers...)