Vincent SV-236MK

Just recently, I decided to upgrade my current Integrated amplifier which is a Vincent SV-236MK Tube Hybrid Integrated Amplifier purchased in 2009 for $1995.00 with a Luxman L-550AX which was $4990.00. Surprisingly, the Vincent SV-236MK sounded much better than the Luxman. I even purchased the top of the line Marantz integrated amplifier PM-11S3 and the Vincent SV-236MK sounded much better than the Marantz. The Vincent SV-236MK sounds warm,detailed and musical and has plenty of bass. The Luxman had no bass. I would like to purchase an integrated amplifier which sounds better than my Vincent SV-236MK but I haven't found one. Any suggestions? I have Bowers & Wilkins PM1s, Vincent SV-236MK, Marantz Reference Series NA-11S1 Network Audio Player and an OPPO BDP-105 Blu-ray Disc Player.
That's some very stiff competition that your Vincent beating - amps costing 2 to 2 1/2 times as much.  But they are solid state amps, so maybe its the tubes in the Vincent that your are finding more pleasing to your ears.  So I would suggest rather than trying another more expensive solid state amp, go with a true tube amp.  But it would have to a pretty high powered one like the Hybrid Vincent, as the your B&W's aren't exactly efficient at only 84db.

Or keep what you have brother and enjoy the music.  Sounds like you found great synergy with the Vincent and your speakers.
I believe you would have to go with a SS amp that mates well with our speakers and tube pre that mates well with it to get the job done. 
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